It’s hard to believe he’ll be President in another month. You used the term loquaciousness. Too bad he didn’t use that skill when Anita Hill was center stage in ‘91 defending her against the outrageous attacks she had to endure. I always thought that issue would prevent him from any WH office. I was shocked in 2016 when chosen as a VP for Obama. What was he thinking? How about an apology to Anita...still hasn’t happened. And it’s Bernie who makes pundits skin crawl on MSNBC.

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Bernie fits the bill...

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I'm so glad that you are doing what you are doing. I haven't yet, but I am going to watch the looonger version. I've read a bunch of commentary that there is something wrong about "leaking" this private meeting, but I am all for it; democracy dies in darkness. Except for the fact that we would all die of boredom, I think we should all be granted access to all governmental deliberations. Thank you.

On another note, is there some way you could list you previous posts in order of most recent to oldest? I would find it easier to get to posts that I missed.

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This is great. Thank you so much.

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