Jul 3Liked by Ryan Grim

Ryan, this is where you and I part ways. As a life long Democratic voter who is cozying up to my 8th decade, I will no longer vote for or support ANY Democrat for any office. No, I won’t vote Trump and neither will support any Repug. Jill Stein gets my vote in 2024, and it makes no difference to me what method of corruption the Dems follow to come up with their anointed savior. Forget for a moment the focus on November, why should anyone support a party that has promoted death and destruction in Gaza and Ukraine. Look at all the lies told by Genocide Joe and his enablers… who have brought us to the edge of what may be the end. Perhaps when the Democratic Party understands that they have lost the support of liberal minded peoples they will change their ways. Kamala Harris, surely you jest?

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Jul 3Liked by Ryan Grim

I think you take your case too far, but you have a solid point. The drama of a convention without an obvious script could seize the voters imagination.

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Jul 3Liked by Ryan Grim

Agree! It’s the least the Dem establishment can do. They created this mess, with lineage back to 2016 when they intensively tipped the scales for the unelectable Secretary Clinton, then in 2020 when President Obama led the block Bernie campaign to elevate the wobbly now President Biden. Then as you so convincingly point out the establishment hid his condition after mocking and threatening the careers of anyone who suggested in 2022 he not run for re-election or that promoted a contested 2024 primary.

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If the Democrats truly believe the election is existential, their answer is simple: Invite RFKJr back to the party and nominate him. Surely, he is better than the hated Trump. He wins in a landslide.

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"Reality TV is the primary building block of our culture today, for better or for worse. An open convention with confessional-esque interviews and spinoff podcasts is what Democrats need to become one with the public again." An excellent argument for the notion that we have never had a democracy (though perhaps sporadically at the local level and readily subverted because humans aren't quite ready yet), just a Truman Show that has passed through many variations over the last couple of centuries. Perhaps Trump has done us all a favor by so starkly revealing this elephantine chameleon in the room and we will have a come to Jesus (Buddha?) moment and take a stab at a real democracy...


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