It will be interesting to see just how much this Democratic administration, similar to the previous Democratic administration, decides to "foam the runways" for the banking sector, which now have all been declared as too big/small to fail.

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I’m surprised and disappointed that the Glass Steagall Act (1933-1999) is not discussed as a remedy for the banking nightmares we’ve experience for the past 24 yrs.

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Sure wish some of our Senators would take the time to consider this perspective! Just a thought:

"With Signature Bank folding, there are very few places left where you can trade crypto for dollars, with Cross River Bank in New Jersey being one of the last. The bank describes its mission as “[p]owering the future of financial services. We deliver innovative embedded payments, cards, lending and crypto solutions to millions of consumers and businesses.”

I'm just an onlooker, but I've been struck by how PayPal has been flogging crypto to its users. Just went to check, and they are still pushing it.

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